Thursday, July 29, 2010

A whole new perspective

Last night I had the privilege of sharing our fire engine at Camp Edenwood which is a great facility hidden in the woods of Eden Prairie that provides week long camping for children with special needs. Last night we had over 20 kids, each with their own special situation. Seeing their genuine excitement in learning about the trucks and what we do as fire fighters.

One boy was totally blind and took his time to feel the truck, the hose, water to explore. Another was mute and pointed to every button, switch and pedal wanting to know more about the truck. and my favorite was Sam, she was passionate about wearing the jacket and gear. When I went to ask for it she wrapped her arms around my neck as to say....I am coming with you.

I was really cool to see how happy and how much fun they had........definitely a great part to the job.

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