Sunday, December 27, 2009

sNOw Emergency

Living in MN has many benefits like cold and snow (yes i Love them both). But it can pose a challenge if and when we need to tag a hydrant. As you can see with all the hydrants we have across Eden Prairie we need each resident to do an occassional 'dig' following a snow storm.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Text Book vs. Real Life


Dec 23 I took the National Registry for EMT. Ending up having to drive nearly a 100 miles down to Rochester in order to take the test (before the holidays). I was impressed at how ‘secure’ they are with this test. Not only do you need to provide two forms of photo id but they take your photo and require a finger print scan to enter the testing room.

I thought I was prepared. Pass every test. Studied. But this test was nothing like the question I used to prepare. 50 questions in I was starting to wonder if I was acing the test or failing it miserably. After 65 questions I done. It kicked me out. This is a test that could take 60 or 150+ questions based on how well you answer. The good news is I must have done well…still don’t know my score but I know I passed.

Later that same day I was able to respond to a medical that came across with a female seizing with prior brain surgery. It was a good thing I went with a few experienced Fire EMT’s. I went in totally focused on ensuring an airway and Oxygen but quickly realized there is the whole human touch that was just as important for the patient and the family. Like everything else there is the text book execution and then there is real life execution…..the key is to know when to use and balance the two.

Friday, December 25, 2009



15 weeks. 120+ hours of classroom and countless hours of study. I am glad to say I am now down with my EMT-B. Took and passed my national test on Dec 23. No idea how well I did (yet) but I did pass. Operator class is next!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas day and doing a standby at station #4. We are getting hammered with snow. 8 inches yesterday. 4 inches this morning. And the heavy wet stuff is still to come. This is pseudo duty crew where we are staffing six people in each district. Two for medicals and four for engine. Each crew is on for 3 hour shifts. Before the duty crew started Yesterday we had a car fire at 6am. Good way to start the day but it has been pretty quiet since. We’ll see what the next 6 hours bring.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jingle Jingle Jingle.

Not the sound of change. This weekend the EPFD helped out the Salvation Army by ringing bells in front of Cub Foods. We were in full turnout gear which definitely got the attention of the shoppers but also kept us warm on a mild December day. This was my first time ringing bells for the SA and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised not only at the generosity of people but also their sincere appreciate for the fire department.

I was expecting people to drop some spare change in the bucket but instead 8 of every 10 person who walked by dug into their wallets to pull out a dollar or two. In fact we saw people donate $5, $10, $20 and even a $100. I have no idea what we raised but 9 hours of holiday grocery shoppers….I am sure it will help a lot of people in need.

This photo was taken after the first 10 minutes. Keep in mind we did not have the official collection bin or bells so we made due with an ‘ash’ bucket. Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

King Airway

Tonight's training was all around airway management for the unresponsive patient. The device looks a bit invasive which is why it only goes into a patient who is unconscious. The King Airway is one of many devices that is administered by EMT responders. After sliding it down into the esophagus the device has two balloons that are inflated as it is slowly backed up. The balloons secure the device and insures air is forced into the lungs.

EMT Class is nearly over. One more practice night, practical test, college test and then the national registry test.