Friday, August 7, 2009


Second Fire in less than week. Last night’s page came during our weekly training. East side was the Edina Training tower performing engine company training while the West district was out in Lake Riley practicing some water-rescue. For E41 the call came when we out in the middle of Riley Lake. It took a few minutes of controlled chaos to get the ‘victims’ in the boat and back to shore while everyone else was scrambling to get in service.

We were 3 miles out and could see the flames over the tree tops. This two storey home was fully involved…it was impressive to see police secure the neighborhood and engines running water to the crews from multiple directions and speed at which command, staging and divisions were set up. Our crew ended up getting some defensive/exposure nozzle time, assisting with fire investigation, and a lot of salvage/clean-up. The scene cleared around 0:45 and then it took only another hour to get all the trucks back in service, hoses scrubbed and bottles filled.

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