Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mayday Mayday Mayday

Tonight’s fire training was all about recognizing when to call for help (mayday). Too often firefighters will be intimidated to call for help and instead will try to self rescue. The message for tonight was clear…..if you find yourself in trouble initiate a mayday or at least notify IC that you might be needing assistance and then try to rescue yourself. The time it takes to respond and help can be minutes which can easily be the difference between life and death when battling a fire.

In order to practice we had three difference scenario’s.
Scenario 1. Two firefighters go in doing a right hand search of a dark room. All of a sudden one of the firefighters has a steel fence dropped on top and they are pinned to the ground.

Scenario 2. Was practicing the breaching of a wall. Full PPE with SCBA knocking a hole through a wall with studs every 16 inches. It was a challenge getting the body, gear and tank through the wall but everyone made it.

Scenario 3. Proved a bit more interesting. Three men in doing a right hand search. Through the maze (which at times is no wider than a body). During the search the instructors are above us on top of the maze and they secretly tie a rope around our tanks getting us entangled. We need to call for a mayday and then attempt a self rescue. Keeping in mind there is no light, no tools and a lot of commotion.

Next week is live fire…..should be fun.

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