Monday, November 30, 2009

In a nutshell

I am thinking of developing an educational program for the city of Eden Prairie to help generate interest and involvement between the schools and the fire stations. Every year we get a chance to spend 30-45 minutes in a classroom lecturing and demonstrating the dangers of fire and how to be safe. This is critical part to the education process. It also helps strengthen the role/bond between the department, fire fighters and the community. You hope the kids remember and apply the learning.
But to be certain, why not give the little ones a little motivation. My concept is to build or license (have someone build) a website that allows kids to select an age appropriate curriculum. Then proceed to a simple test to check their comprehension. Each curriculum allows the student to print a certificate of achievement. Each certificate can be brought in to a fire station to get an age appropriate gift (think coloring book, pencil, etc…) This gives the child an incentive to meet fire fighters and tour a station.

That is it….in a nutshell.

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