Sunday, August 29, 2010

Year Three.....

Two years ago, September, is when I offiically joined EPFD as rookie. I remember hanging out at station 1 for the "quarterly business meeting" and group/station bi-annual photograph.

We have another set of rookies starting this month so the "probie" torch can finally be passed along.

WOrking out of station #4 has been great but the west side is definitly on the short end of the stick when it comes to call volume.

I picked up my "Apparatus Operator" badge/sticker this week which has it pro's and con's. I get to drive and operate (pro) and I get to drive and operate (con).....only a con when there is a working fire.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Garage fire

Okay. Here it is 1:30am and I have been sitting in E41 for two hours. We were the 4th engine in and I was the operator so I am stuck back here, a block from the action. Oh well, you do what you can to help.

But the worst part is I tripped running into the station and dropped my iPhone......let's just say I am writing this with a shattered screen on my phone. This will surly cost me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

FAO Annual

I am sitting back seat after driving Tower 41 through the obstacle course.
1. Backing in to a loading dock
2. Serpentine course in forward, backward, left and right
3. Backing into an alley that narrows to the width of the tires

Then it is off to do the same stuff in the engine.

I am finally done with this training.... Just need the Chiefs Signature.

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