Saturday, May 30, 2009

Women's Expo

I guess pulled the wrong info for today's Women's Expo Fire Training session. Regardless, it turned out to be a great day for all. Well over 40 participants, a number of sponsoring communities and departments and great weather.

Participants were able to practice, hands on, how the fire departments cut apart vehicles to gain access to trapped victims, practice the challenges with search rescue, work through a physical agility test and get some hose time putting out a simulated kitchen fire.
It was a great time for everyone involved.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Women's Fire Expo

Check out this weekends Fire Expo
4th Annual
Women’s Fire Service Expo
Saturday, May 30st, 2008
8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The Women’s Fire Service Expo is an half-day event, including some classroom time, but mostly hands-on scenarios. This event is for women who are interested in becoming a firefighter, but would like to "try it out" for a day. After a brief classroom session, participants will work hands-on with local female firefighters to put out fires, cut cars apart, do search and rescue, and other exciting scenarios.

Representatives from the participating departments will also be available to answer questions, and hand out recruiting information to those interested.

Sponsoring Departments:
Eden Prairie
and many more

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Everyone Goes Home

Just attended "everyone goes home" training. A good class that focuses on changing the culture within the fire department. Too often FF let tradition and ego rule their action. There is no logical reason for a FF to enter fully involved structure....anything that was alive is no longer and the structure will be totaled regardless of the fire..yet we continue to see examples of FF running through flames to save....nothing.

This class is about the training, understanding and appreciation of what it means to be a FF and most importantly the need to change the culture.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My first saved life….rescue.

Yes, what every fire fighter dreams of…the epitome of our work. Rescuing a kitty a from a tree. Honestly. This Saturday we had a call come in for a small cat that was stuck in a tree. The cat had been up there for a full day and half. It was not the residence pet so we approached it carefully. The little guy was stuck about 20’ up in a tree and with a little tug on the back of the neck he came down with ease.

I didn’t think we responded to those types of call but I guess we do.